Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 54

Sunday Rundown:

Weight: 201 lbs
Weight lost this week: 5 lbs
Total weight lost: 36 lbs

Bust: 42 1/2" (3/8" lost since last week, 4 3/8" lost total)
Waist: 36 3/4" (1 1/4" lost since last week, 3 3/4" lost total)
Hips: 48 1/2" (1" lost since last week, 4 3/8" lost total)

Oh my god, guys. Oh. My. God! I'm a pound away! Only one pound to go in the next seven days to hit my summer weight loss goal! I can't believe it! Not only that I'm down to the last week, but that I'm so, so close to where I wanna be!

Workouts were simple today, but sorta brutal. In light of the huge lowering storm overhead, Dad suggested we do the six-mile Chenal loop rather than Pinnacle ... totally forgetting that I'd done the six-mile Chenal loop once already this week. But, we did it anyway. Made decent time, although the last half-mile was killing me. I could see the house - I just wanted to blink to it and skip the last bit. Also hit yoga/stretch this afternoon, which is essential considering how crazy the other yoga class has been as of late.

I did do some cooking again this evening - Mexican Lasagna. It's still an evolving recipe, a little too sauce-y and too heavy on the cilantro, but it should only take a little tweaking to get right. Breakfast and lunch were very basic - a CLIF bar, to save time getting moving this morning, and leftover chili for lunch, because I'm an addict. Don't laugh til you try the chili, guys.

I embarked on a fun (to me, anyway) project today - I decided to dig through the boxes of books we have in the attic and find some of the stuff I read in high school. I knew I wanted to find the Everworld series, but I was also after a book trilogy which I could not recall the title, author, anything save for the fact that it was about a supernatural board game and the description of one of the main antagonists. Running a Google search on "board game, Julian, demon, white hair, blue eyes" wasn't turning up squat, so I decided I'd dig through the attic and see if I couldn't find them. I crawled through the creepy, tiny attic with a flashlight tied to my robe's sash, pulled out the first dust-encrusted box I found, opened the lid ... and there they were, right on top. Easy as could be. It's the "Forbidden Game" trilogy, by L.J. Smith - "The Hunter," "The Chase," and "The Kill." Totally cornball supernatural teen fic, but I'm so excited to have them back!

Tomorrow starts the last seven days (I know, I'm still counting, I can't stop). It's kind of surreal to think that I'm this close to the end ... so I'm not gonna dwell on it quite yet, haha. Instead, I'm gonna settle into a hot soak with my awesome/cornball supernatural teen fic and unwind a bit before bed. G'night, my blogees!

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