Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 250

Sunday Rundown:

Weight: 187 lbs
Weight lost this week: -1 lb
Total weight lost: 51 lbs

Bust: 38" (1/2" lost since last week, 6 7/8" lost total)
Waist: 32 1/4" (1/4" lost since last week, 7 3/4" lost total)
Hips: 44 1/2" (1/2" lost since last week, 8 3/8" lost total)

Well ... one pound's not bad, all things considered. I had a rough week, guys. A ROUGH week. Started out stressful, with some changed deadlines on papers and such that made the first few days a real sprint, and capped out midway with an unexpected break-up, made all the harder by the fact that I felt (feel?) so strongly for the guy. However, his mind was made up and I've got no choice but to soldier on, as I always do.

Don't worry over me, though - I'm nothing if not resilient. I'm already bouncing back, which does scare me a little bit that it's coming so easily when I was falling so hard for the guy ... I'm concerned that maybe I'm becoming hardened to the idea of love and getting a little too jaded. That's neither here nor there, though. I'll face that down as it comes at me. All that matters now is that I'll get by as I always have: through sheer, indomitable stubbornness.

The one good thing I realized this week is that I don't react to depression the way I once did. I mean, I still slept about 16 out of every 24 hours for a day or two, but I didn't turn to comfort food like I used to. Apparently instead of eating my feelings, I'm now feeling my feelings, and while they still kind of hurt it's definitely better for me in the long run.

Anyway. This week was really hard in a lot of ways, but I got through it - even remembered my blog post, which is saying something. I'm already a long way towards being back to normal, and hopefully by this time next week I'll be able to tell you guys that everything's okay again. Cross your fingers for me, yeah?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 243

Sunday Rundown:

Weight: 188 lbs
Weight lost this (last several) weeks: -4 lb
Total weight lost: 50 lbs

Bust: 38 1/2" (3/4" lost since last week, 6 3/8" lost total)
Waist: 32 1/2" (3/4" lost since last week, 7 1/2" lost total)
Hips: 45" (1/4" lost since last week, 7 7/8" lost total)

So, I'm a lousy blogger and easily distractible. I took a seven week hiatus from posting. I even made it my New Year's Resolution to get back to updating this thing, but here it is the last day of January and I'm only just getting to it. I apologize, I'm a slacker.

I guess I haven't been updating because my Sundays have been kind of bipolar lately - either I'm doing something fantastic, like driving to Dallas or running around Edmond with my friends, or I'm stuck inside on my own and in a bummer sort of mood. I am going to do my damnedest to get back on track, though, for my own benefit and to ease the minds of my more dedicated readers *coughmomanddadcough*.

And pardon the campy picture ... I finally figured out how to get my laptop to take a picture on a timer, rather than as soon as I click the button, so I got a little silly posing and ended up really liking this one. Shows the change in my waistline, for sure. And the real beauty is that the shirt I'm wearing, my ski shirt, barely fit me last spring break, and now it's remarkably comfortable. I've been wearing it all weekend due to the snow and ice Norman's been inundated with.

So far as workouts and food, I don't have too much to report. It's been much of the same really, although my schedule definitely leaves my mornings free for me to do just about whatever suits me. I haven't quite adapted enough to it to really make the most of it. Kickstep is still the highlight of my workout routine, although I had to pick up a new suit since my old one was a few solid kicks away from falling to pieces. Food is still very much the same, although I've been alternating between busy and sick so much this month that it's been more about quick and efficient meals - lots of soup and sandwiches.

Thankfully it hasn't hindered me too much - I'm still trending downward, although not at a very viable rate. Hopefully I'll be able to reorient myself to this new schedule and really make some progress these next few months. I feel really good about where I am, but I know more progress will only make me feel better.

Thanks for bearing with me through my lengthy absence, guys; hopefully you'll hear from me next week!