Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 34

Ugh, long day ... I woke up feeling kinda lousy, and dragged that lousiness alllll through my workouts. It wasn't sickness, exactly, just some serious stomach cramps and a used-up sort of feeling, like I had no energy left to expend. I managed all my workouts in spite of that, though ... body, you need to stop trying to weasel out of this and get back to work! Only three weeks left to make this change!

It was very gratifying to see my sculpt instructor - she hadn't seen me in a couple of weeks, and she was floored by how different I looked. That kind of praise, knowing other people see the change and it's not all in your head, is priceless. It felt good to watch myself work out in the mirror and not be wincing at an unflattering angle or unattractive pose.

I also did the spin class again. The realization struck me while driving to the LRAC for class - now that I've managed the full hour once, I'll be expected to finish the full hour every time. I did pretty well this time though, took nearly 40 minutes before my butt went numb. Such an odd sensation. Still, everyone says that the fifth time is when spin class finally clicks, and I just finished my fourth time. Maybe next week, I'll love it?

We're back to new recipes with the food; lunch was a bit of a non-event, however, it seems like this pill saps my appetite more and more every day. I had a piece of whole-wheat bread, folded in half with two tablespoons of peanut butter spread on it ... and nothing else. Very simple, but about all my stomach was willing to handle at the time. Dinner was damn good, especially because my appetite was back - chicken capri, spaghetti squash, and steamed broccoli. The chicken capri was amazing; it wasn't quite chicken lasagna, it was more lasagna-made-on-top-of-a-chicken-breast (and yes, there is a difference). Normanites, expect that recipe to crop up around town sometime soon.

It's killing me to not have the time to go try on clothes; I don't necessarily want to buy right now, but I want to try things on and see the difference I've made. I meant to bring some of my "once I lose weight" clothes out here to help me track things, but the last day before leaving was such a rush that the clothes never made it in the bag. No worries, though - I know the exact shirt I plan to try on when I visit Norman next Wednesday, and if it fits you can be damn sure I'll be wearing it out around town.

I did get a *little* retail therapy, though ... between morning workouts and spin class, I ducked into Best Buy to pick up a lap desk for my laptop and spent a little while at home trying it out. It's awesome - holds my laptop and the mouse, very cushy, prevents overheating, and lets me compute while sitting in bed rather than at the desk all the time. Vast improvement. Does seem that all my retail therapy is geek-related lately, but I'm not complaining - I love new gadgets and the accessories that accompany them!

Tomorrow should be pretty straight-forward, and hopefully with fewer stomach cramps than today ... let's hope so, at least. Goodnight, blog-ees!

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