Today was fantastically productive. Got my GA paperwork turned in, my admissions issue resolved, and made some plans to re-structure my apartment - the plan is to dismantle the guest bed, scoot that mattress under my mattress to give my short bed some height, move the uncomfortable couch into the guest bedroom, and make myself a study. I plan to add a bookcase and a better desk chair to make it functional, and the room can still function as a guest room if need be; I also plan to pick out a new, comfy couch for the living room. I also plan to send the shoe chair back to Little Rock (it's funky, but it's outlived its usefulness) and put a small kitchen table and chairs there instead. Maybe even get a screen to partion off the dining/living areas. I'm majorly excited, this is a totally workable plan that doesn't rely on Traditions' cooperation to make my changes.
I also hit one of my favorite jewelry stores, Milano, today; it was their one-year anniversary, and I picked up several pairs of earrings. I also tried on a sexy black-and-white tie-dyed dress at Antique Garden that was almost a really great look, but I didn't get it. Figured I can think on it and go back tomorrow if need be.
I did get a morning workout in, a pretty intense sculpt class that has had me sore all day. Definitely considering it as a regular class to keep my strength training up. I had to make some careful food choices today, what with two meals out, but I feel like I did pretty well. For lunch, I ate half a sandwich before going to the restaurant and just got a cup of soup, and for dinner I went with Chase/Bite (my academic gaming group) to Chili's and ate off their Guiltless menu. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't my favorite; it'll definitely work when I don't care to spend a free meal there.
I'm so sure I had more I wanted to write about, but I'm really really tired, and this bed is really really comfy. G'night, my blogees!
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