Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 50

So spin class nearly ended me today. 

In many of the exercises we do in spin class, Carla tells us to stand up in the pedals and pedal upright for anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Now, until today I haven't made a strong effort to do so - as soon as I would stand up, it would feel like I was putting myself in serious danger of a sprain or a twist, and I'd drop right back into my seat in a few seconds' time. Well, today I decided I was more fit and needed to make a stab at it.

I stood up, kept pedaling, my muscles working in sync like they're supposed to ... and after about 20 seconds, my left leg hyperextended, and I started to pitch sideways off the bike. And for a split second, I thought that this was it. I was gonna fall off my bike and twist, sprain, or even break something, and that'd be the end of my fitness efforts for a few weeks, or months even. Before I could fall off, I flung my weight to my right leg and kind of fell backward into the seat rather than sideways off the bike. It was so damn close, it scared me to death. Not gonna try that again anytime soon, not til I'm sure I'm ready for it.

So between sculpt, water aerobics, and spin class, I was pretty well whipped by about 1 pm. Thankfully, my afternoon was totally chill - lunch, a reeeeally good nap, yoga, and a long soak + shower. Also got some movie-geek downtime; had Watchmen playing on and off throughout the day while I was in my room, and am finishing up Coraline now as I settle into bed. People can bash Watchmen all they want, but it definitely entertains me. It's the kind of flick I'd turn on during cooking or cleaning days: good spectacle, great music (mostly) and I can wander in and out without feeling like I'm missing out.

Food was great today - CLIF bar for breakfast, leftover chili (love, love the chili recipe ...) for lunch, and free meal for dinner. I figured, why fight the classics? Pizza and beer! It was delicious, but it felt equally good to get totally cleaned up and put on something other than workout clothes or my robe. We also met the Sterns for dinner, which is always a good time - especially since we hadn't seen them in 10 days. Always a good time with the Sterns.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna get that damn 6-mile walk in, provided the frickin' weather cooperates ... g'night, my blogees!

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