Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 20

Today, I woke up in a hell of a mood. I was simultaneously so sad I wanted to curl up and stay in bed all day, and so angry I wanted to get up and go pick a fight with someone. Lucky for my fitness regime, I went with the angry feelings and took my aggression out on myself through my workouts. I spent all of sculpt class working as hard as I could and staring down my reflection; I think the instructor was wondering why I was scowling at myself, but she didn't say anything.

The funny thing? By the end of sculpt class, I was getting past it. I still felt annoyed, but with endorphins perking through your system it's hard to be angry about anything in particular. Water aerobics further mellowed me out, and by the time I got home I just kind of ... was. Not exactly cheery, but no longer in need of a punching bag. Side note: exercising angry made me feel oddly like a Terminator. Don't ask me why. Guess I was tapping my inner Summer Glau.

Went back to the club around noon to give spin class another shot; even bought the little cushion thingie to try and make it easier. And for the first ten minutes, it was easier. And then it felt like my ass was going to fall off. I did manage to make it 35 minutes this time, which loyal readers will realize tops my 30 minute attempt two weeks ago. Then I hopped off, hobbled to a recumbent bike, and stretched my poor, screaming glutes. Ow, ow, ow. I definitely hope to get enough stamina to last a full hour-long spin class by the end of HFFC, but for right now? I can totally deal with 35 minutes.

I was considering working in a third cardio rather than my stretch today to push my body a little further, but when I got home and had to grit my teeth to walk up the damn stairs, I decided that meant enough's enough. Instead, I laid out my yoga mat and did free yoga using the iPhone app I downloaded. It's a brilliant little app - I set it to 45 minutes, turned on the "instructor" feature, and just followed along with the instructions. Now, it did ask me to do some crazy variations from time to time (Warrior III? On one leg?? Pass!), but overall it was a great stretch, and worked me far better than I did just trying to recall poses on my own. So glad I did that, it helped relax me and mellow me out a bit.

Food situation today? Phenomenal! We did finally figure out it's the antibiotic the dermatologist put me on that's skewing my appetite, but I only have to take it for like 5 more days. I can deal. But, in light of my total weight plateau, we've decided to step up to Phase II of South Beach. We were technically supposed to do so last week, but we decided to work Phase I a little longer to see if I could keep shedding weight like I was. Phase II means a few carbs come back to my diet! Today I had half a turkey sandwich for lunch ... and it was on bread! Not wrapped in lettuce or rolled into a tube, but on real, whole-grain bread. Bliss ... dinner was a chicken dish we had earlier this month, coupled with steamed broccoli and garlic-and-herb cous-cous (love it, love it, love it). Phase II rules; let's hope it does the trick and kicks my body back into high gear.

The next two days should help me counter my lousy mood; tomorrow signals new Fallout 3 DLC, and sometime around the end of the week my new laptop should arrive! So even if my angry-funk persists, I can have something worthwhile to take my mind off things for a change. Always good to have a reliable diversion, huh.

1 comment:

  1. I took spin a last year for a physical activity credit. It was an hour-long class, and I thought I was going to die the first few times. If you go a couple times a week, it probably won't take long to get your uh, nether regions used to it. The seat helps too.
