Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 82

Sunday Rundown:

Weight: 199 lbs
Weight lost this week: 0 lbs
Total weight lost: 38 lbs

Bust: 41 1/4" (1/2" lost since last week, 5 5/8" lost total)
Waist: 35" (0" lost since last week, 5" lost total)
Hips: 47" (3/4" lost since last week, 5 7/8" lost total)

Finally got a proper tape measure, so we've got measurements again! Still can't figure out a good way to do a picture though; surely I can figure something out.

I'm bummed I didn't see any weight loss this week, but not too surprised. It's been a busy week; between TA training (which was far less fun than anticipated), Gaylord orientation, finishing my apartment, and having plans almost every night, I was seriously strapped for workout time - especially considering that the pool at the Y was closed for cleaning all week. I ended up going to my apartment complex's workout room five out of the seven days - super-monotonous - and managed a walk one day and a Y visit this afternoon. Not bad, but definitely not the level of exercise I'm accustomed to. I'm gonna have to seriously bust my butt this week, no question.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the fall semester (although not so much for me, since I don't have any classes on Monday or Friday), and the beginning of my GA-dom. I'm very excited - my schedule should allow me to get in a morning workout and leave time for me to cook dinner every night. The GA facilities even have a small kitchen, so I'll be able to take leftovers for lunch on occasion. I've already built this week's workouts into my schedule - I'm doing a few familiar classes, as well as some new ones I'm curious about. I'm determined to stay on track this week, back to school or no; with my apartment finally in the shape it needs to be and my schedule stabilizing, I've got nothing to hold me back!

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