Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 61

Sunday Rundown:

Weight: 199 lbs
Weight lost this week: 2 lbs
Total weight lost: 38 lbs

Bust: 41 3/4" (3/4" lost since last week, 5 1/8" lost total)
Waist: 35" (1 1/4" lost since last week, 5" lost total)
Hips: 47 3/4" (3/4" lost since last week, 5 1/8" lost total)
Thigh: 27 1/2" (3 5/8" lost total)
Bicep: 14 1/2" (2 7/8" lost total)
Wrist: 6 1/4" (1/4" lost total)

It's done, guys! Done! Over 8 weeks ago, I swore to do everything in my power to get myself below 200 pounds before the end of HFFC, and here, on Day 61, I have officially done it. For the first time in I-don't-know-HOW-long, I'm back below 200 pounds!! I'm ... floored! I'm ecstatic! I'm so glad, and so relieved - part of me was terrified I'd put in all the time and effort and bust my butt, only to shave off ten pounds or so. It's so gratifying to know it's been worth it, and that it'll continue to be worth it. It's like I always say about Mom and Dad ... they're fit because they put a lot of time and effort into staying fit, and the same potential's always been in me. Just took me this long to try and tap it.

So here's the plan for this blog, following the conclusion of HFFC. I'm no longer going to do a nightly post, since there's only so many times yall will enjoy reading the same routine over and over. Instead, I'm going to do a weekly post on Sunday nights. I'll post the rundown - weight and measurements, perhaps a pic - and talk about the challenges I've faced throughout the week: learning to cook for myself every meal, resisting temptation (both foodwise and getting-my-butt-out-of-bed-wise), and keeping myself going even on the sucky days. I feel like I'll need this continuation for some accountability, to you guys (and of course my parents, whom I know will be the first ones to call me up and inquire about any weight re-gained, haha) as well as to myself. I'll start these posts on August 16th - I'll be traveling all day next Sunday coming back from my celebratory NYC trip, so I'll have no chance to weigh and measure.

I am eternally grateful to everyone who has been a part of this. Everyone who's read this blog, cheered me on, offered me tips or asked for advice; everyone who's helped me celebrate the wins and commiserate the losses; everyone who's called me, IMed me, or messaged me just to check in and see how I'm feeling and how I'm doing; everyone who's had a hand in spurring me on to where I am now. Thanks especially to my brother, whose pre-HFFC phone call was so sweet and supportive it left me in tears, and to my parents, who have endured two months of doing hardcore workouts and eating even the nastiest diet recipes right along with me. I could not have gotten here without all of you guys backing me up.

One of my favorite tips I read this summer (out of the mountain of diet books living on our kitchen table) was in the Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart book; it said simply, "Choose your team wisely." Make sure the people around you will be enablers, helping you move forward no matter what. In starting this blog and making public my weight loss efforts, I managed to rally the most supportive people possible around me. You guys have been an amazing team; thank you for everything you've done, and everything you'll do as i continue to work towards total health. I've lost nearly 40 pounds, but I've got 50 still to go. This time next year, guys - 150 lbs! Let's make it happen!


  1. Great work Megan! We're so excited for you. Have fun in NY.

  2. MEG! I'm SO proud of you! You have no idea! Actually, you have inspired me to get back into shape. Anyways, enjoy yourself in NYC! You deserve it.

  3. megan, you are AMAZING! you have worked so hard and i'm so glad that i could follow this journey! have an awesome time in NY! :)
